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Simplify Transformation of Your IIoT Systems​

Simplify Transformation of Your IIoT Systems

We make it easy to transport your OT data to the digital highway with advanced IIoT gateways and long-term support.

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Transport your OT data to the digital highway.

Networks serve as the bridge in a connected industrial system. For data to get from one point to another, it will have to pass through a network. The network serves as the data highway where business-to-business, device-to-device, and people-to-device connectivity takes place and makes it possible to collect import data. Today, OT (operational technology) and IT are converging to improve the productivity and profitability of manufacturing, energy, mass transportation, city infrastructure, and more. But bringing edge connectivity, protocol conversion, and edge computing to a position where they can be adopted en masse on the factory floor is easier said than done. Fortunately, we can provide secure, reliable, and easy-to-manage IIoT solutions like industrial-grade Ethernet switches, routers and gateways.

Download the Wireless IIoT Gateway Application Guidebook

Discover how Moxa’s IIoT edge gateways use cloud services to simplify the integration of edge data

How to Use Moxa Products in Your IIoT Applications

Why Moxa Gateway Solutions

1. Secure and Reliable IIoT Gateways for Life-cycle Management

In the Industrial IoT world, a key challenge for many system integrators and engineers is finding a secure and reliable IIoT gateway that has prompt access to security patches and bug fixes. With Moxa’s commitment to security and technical support for the entire product lifecycle and long-term support policies for Moxa Industrial Linux (MIL) and ThingsPro Edge software, end users can devise an effective plan for software utilization, development, testing, upgrade, and migration.

2. Designed for Cloud Integration

Intelligent IIoT gateway solutions are designed to make devices smarter for achieving robust and secure data transfer from operational technology (OT) devices to IT-based cloud services. Moxa’s ThingsPro® Edge software is a platform designed to work with Moxa’s Industrial IoT gateways to simplify the development of data-acquisition solutions from OT devices to Azure or AWS cloud services. In addition, Moxa’s Industrial IoT gateways, designed for various harsh environments and mission-critical applications, are now certified and ready to be integrated with Azure and AWS, helping users speed up IIoT development and simplify operation and maintenance. Refer to the IIoT Selection Guide for choosing the eligible models of ThingsPro Edge.


3. Qualified IIoT Gateway for Mission-critical IIoT Applications

Intelligent IIoT gateway solutions are designed to make devices smarter for achieving robust and secure data transfer from operational technology (OT) devices to IT-based cloud services. Moxa’s ThingsPro® Edge software is a platform designed to work with Moxa’s Industrial IoT gateways to simplify the development of data-acquisition solutions from OT devices to Azure or AWS cloud services. In addition, Moxa’s Industrial IoT gateways, designed for various harsh environments and mission-critical applications, are now certified and ready to be integrated with Azure and AWS, helping users speed up IIoT development and simplify operation and maintenance. Refer to the IIoT Selection Guide for choosing the eligible models of ThingsPro Edge.

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Leverage Moxa Products in Your IIoT Applications

Enhanced security against vulnerabilities

Moxa IIoT gateways are designed for long-term operation. The gateways come with a rich variety of Moxa proprietary utilities, libraries, and tools to accelerate your IIoT application development. Gateway models that use Moxa Industrial Linux (a Debian distribution) come with 10-year software life-cycle support, which provides five more years of fixes for both bugs and security vulnerabilities as compared to standard Debian OS.

Configurable Data Transmission

With IIoT applications all the rage today, the gateways that sit between the “things” and the Internet have become extremely important. A gateway acquires data from sensors and actuators in the field and enables smooth flow of data from the edge to the cloud. To ensure the stability of the data flow, all aspects of the system, including data acquisition and transfer, message payloads, and message publishes at set intervals for cloud applications, must be properly configured.

Azure Device Twin Integration

Azure IoT Hub provides a device twin, which is a digital replica of your device. The device twin has the same characteristics as the physical device and presents device metadata along with the last reported state, including the device status and configuration. Moxa IIoT gateways integrate Azure’s device-twin to facilitate better communication and device management, enabling applications to easily interact with their digital counterpart on the Azure IoT Hub. Device twins can also be used to monitor device processes such as firmware updates.

VIDEO: Learn more about Moxa's market-leading IIoT solutions for reliable, secure, and cloud-connected edge intelligence

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