
Improve productivity, profitability & safety.

There exists a vast array of automated medical devices on the market today – everything from production lines that make disposable plastic parts, machined implant hardware, and surgery tools, to computerized patient “infotainment” systems, CAT/PET scanners, and even fully-automated telepresence surgery robots. A few common requirements exist across this vast industry:

  • Data Collection and Validation. Tracking the simple things, like that a certain part was made on a certain machine, and tested to a certain specification on a certain date – becomes very important when lives (and lawsuits) are on the line. Machine intelligence, the IIOT, and database connectivity of control systems is critical.
  • Long life-cycle. Commonly these machines or processes are FDA-certified and would require re-certification (an expensive and time-consuming process) if a replacement item must be crossed-over for something different. Machine OEMs must select hardware with guaranteed availability for years (or even decades) to be able to support their customers.
  • Sanitary Operation. In a hospital environment cross-contamination is a very real danger, and anything patient- or professional-facing must be able to be thoroughly cleaned, used with gloved hands, and obviously cannot create any sort of debris.

Industries We Serve

Factory Automation

Renewable Energy




Food & Beverage


Power Generation