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Part: RT6-2001101 Category: Manufacturer:

TM14 Cobot Bundle

Reach 1100mm, Max Payload 14kg, AC, integrated camera, standard cable length


Omron TM Series is a collaborative robot or cobot used in assembly, packaging, inspection and logistics applications. The TM Series is the only cobot robot arm on the market with a built-in vision system which allows users to set up vision tasks for immediate deployment without going through the hassle of spec’ing and integrating external cameras, lighting equipment, or software. By giving cobots ‘eyes’ to see, they’re able to sense their environment and the humans working along side them. From quality inspection and code reading to bin sorting, this cobot makes deployment for vision related tasks easy.

  • No programming experience necessary. Easy-to-use graphical programming environment for quick startup and operation.
  • Faster setup with built-in vision. Built-in vision-based robot control enables visual serving, inspection, and measurement operations.
  • TMvision and landmark allows truly flexible, fast changeover.
  • Plug & Play ecosystem provides the tools and versatility for many manufacturing needs.
  • Capability to integrate with mobile robots enables fully autonomous machine tending and logistics handling applications.