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I/O 3000 I/O system

Comprehensive signal detection, IP20 and IP67 modules, IO-Link and safety I/Os



  • Modular structure for flexible system design
  • Space-saving due to 11.5 mm slim modules with up to 32 connections
  • Decentralized IP67 modules with digital inputs and outputs
  • Modules for IO-Link, CANopen, stepper motor, and safety I/Os
  • Simple diagnostics and status detection


The integration of intelligent sensors and actuators, combined with shorter development times, is increasing the demand for high-performance I/O systems in automation.

The I/O system 3000 combines a consistently flexible system design with a compact construction, reduced wiring effort and simple error diagnostics. Whether in the control cabinet or as a decentralized solution, the I/O system 3000 fits seamlessly into the Lenze automation system.

You benefit from precise control of input and output modules, power and technology modules, communication modules and safety I/Os. Touch probe inputs and distributed clocks, as required for synchronized movements in clocked production processes, are also supported.

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